
A better media player than vlc?

2023年12月28日 — yes faster in two way; When you are seeking to a specific time and when you slowdown or increase the playback speed. With VLC there a delay, ...

If you're still using VLC, give PotPlayer a try

2023年7月19日 — Overall the app feels much faster and much more polished. Surely VLC is useful for its own niche, but I don't believe that niche is movie/show ...

PotPlayer Vs VLC - Best Free Video Players?

While VLC will only play the video you open, PotPlayer will play all the videos in the folder in sequence. This makes it very easy to use and means that you can ...

PotPlayer VS VLC

2023年9月27日 — VLC is still a stable and great media player in many aspects. It supports more operating systems and browsers than PotPlayer. PotPlayer does ...

Which media player is better for Windows 10, VLC or ...

2023年11月23日 — VLC Media Player is way much better than Potplayer. VLC Media Player gets updates. People VLC Media Player fix bugs, security issues and other ...

【問題】potplayer vs mpc推薦?

2021年11月16日 — 想在這邊確認一下,目前PC播放軟體,還是以potplayer與mpc為最大宗嗎? 還是這兩者的天秤已經有偏向了? 剛爬文看到兩年前有文章說potplayer變成有 ...

【常用軟體】免費的影音播放軟體:VLC Media Player

2021年4月10日 — 免費影音播放軟體其實有很多套,我一開始是用PotPlayer(免費),不過新版的PotPlayer會有廣告,我後來就改成MPC-HC,有中文又無廣告,但是MPC-HCD的 ...

播放器哪个好? Potplayer 对比VLC

2023年7月3日 — Potplayer 和VLC 这两个视频播放器,哪个好? 一、结论个人认为:Potplayer 更好。 因为potplayer 不管是在外观,还是操作便利性方面,都完胜VLC。


2020年11月20日 — 一、结论. 个人认为:Potplayer 更好。 因为potplayer 不管是在外观,还是操作便利性方面,都完胜VLC。具体如下:.


2023年12月28日—yesfasterintwoway;Whenyouareseekingtoaspecifictimeandwhenyouslowdownorincreasetheplaybackspeed.WithVLCthereadelay, ...,2023年7月19日—Overalltheappfeelsmuchfasterandmuchmorepolished.SurelyVLCisusefulforitsownniche,butIdon'tbelievethatnicheismovie/show ...,WhileVLCwillonlyplaythevideoyouopen,PotPlayerwillplayallthevideosinthefolderinsequence.Thismakesitveryeasytouseandmeansthatyou...

Light Alloy 功能全面的影音播放器

Light Alloy 功能全面的影音播放器
